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What drives us?

Markets and consumer behaviour are changing radically at the moment. Challenging issues such as globalisation, climate change and the scarcity of raw materials are giving rise to increasing awareness of the environment and our responsibilities. Environmental protection, resource conservation, CO2 reduction and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR*) are subjects that every company needs to engage with but they are not notable strengths within the skin care industry. These points have been firmly enshrined in RINGANA’s corporate philosophy right from the start. RINGANA sees itself as an industry pioneer and will continue to blaze new paths and launch innovations that go beyond mere trends.

“We have always been involved with sustainability. Because there is no alternative.” 
Andreas Wilfinger

Ulla Wannemacher
“We want to give our customers as little packaging as possible.”

Nonetheless, we know that there is still room for improvement. At RINGANA, we like to compare sustainability with a mosaic that is made up of many little pieces. We can already see a beautiful picture but there is still space for further sustainability stones. Our aim is to continue adding to and perfecting this mosaic. But it’s not enough to simply fill in the gaps. The pieces that are already in place – often very beautiful ones – may fade or fall out of the picture entirely. Why? Because better technologies, materials and manufacturing processes are continually being developed. We must constantly question the status quo, continually rethink everything. That is why all of our many Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR*) measures, big and small, have been brought together in one programme: RINGANA RE*THINK.


What does RE*THINK mean for us?

Taking active responsibility for our planet.

Acting sustainably.

Constantly questioning the status quo.

Continually developing and improving ourselves.


*If you want to know more about this term – often heard but rarely explained in detail – you can visit the website of our cooperation partner respACT (only available in German). respACT is Austria’s leading company platform for responsible business.

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