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Male grooming is booming!

Men are wired differently to women.

Women primarily associate grooming with femininity and beauty. For men, strength and protection are uppermost. We have the compelling facts.



The days when men would sneak a little dab of their partner’s face cream are long gone. The latest figures show that the market for male care products is booming. The market research institute Euromonitor forecasts that the global market estimated at 17.5 billion US dollars in 2015 will hit 60.7 billion by 2020. Men’s role models are YouTubers and influencers who focus on “masculine” care. Channels such as Alpha M., Jordan O’Brien, The Gentleman’s Cove and Beardbrand show how skin, hair and facial hair can be groomed and optimised. Young men in particular take inspiration here, wanting to redefine their masculinity.

However, beauty promises such as “soft and silky” don’t appeal to most men. The majority want to be seen as “strong and energetic”. They want their hair to be strong, full, clean and fresh. The thinking is that if you’re dynamically groomed, you’ll be seen as successful. Male care products therefore contain special substances that respond to the specific needs of male skin.



Even if men like to look good, they are often worried about being thought vain. They don’t want to be standing in front of the mirror for hours. So they want their care solutions to be straightforward, practical and time-saving. They want visible effects quickly. The interesting difference to women: men only start thinking about care products when they have a problem – for example when they look grey and tired, or they see the first wrinkle. Prevention isn’t really their thing. And that may also be why male skin ages differently.

Male skin is around 20 % thicker than women’s. It contains more supportive collagen which means it binds more moisture. This means that male skin looks firmer and more elastic for longer.

However, this more robust skin doesn’t only entail advantages: because of the male hormone testosterone, the sebum glands produce a lot of skin fat. Young men in particular therefore often suffer from skin impurities and spots.



According to a Marketagent survey conducted on behalf of Kosmetik Transparent, as many as 57 per cent of men say their facial skin is sensitive. Men with 3-day beards complain disproportionately about tight, itchy and rough skin. The reason: conventional aftershaves and care fluids contain substances that can irritate the skin. Which is why lots of men are increasingly switching to natural skin care products. They are looking for substances and care solutions that take their needs into account. When men are asked what matters most to them when it comes to skin care products, good skin tolerance is way ahead in first place, being cited by 71 per cent of men. Other important factors are how the product feels on the skin (63 per cent) and efficacy (60 per cent).



When it comes to care routines, men are very faithful. A survey by the German agency, Mintel, shows: over half of the men interviewed (52 %) say that they will remain faithful to their care product if they are satisfied with it. That’s a definite advantage. Many women experiment too much, trying out too many different brands, even with one on top of the other. Their skin frequently becomes irritated by this excess.

So a man who stays faithful to his care ritual and consistently practises it is essentially doing everything right.


Why men should love RINGANA care products?

Men like care solutions that are straightforward, practical and time-saving. That means the lords of creation are in very good hands with RINGANA – for example with our FRESH deodorant, FRESH shampoo or just FRESH body milk. Each product is highly effective. Nor are there countless variations which force you to compromise on efficacy. So you only need one product for each area of use in the bathroom cabinet or sports bag – now that’s what we call straightforward. And even though the vast majority of our products are suitable for both men and women, there are also products and combinations that are geared specifically to men. For example, our FRESH skin care set for men provides effective grooming in 3 steps with FRESH soap, FRESH anti wrinkle serum (or FRESH hydro serum) and FRESH moisturiser for men. And when the gentlemen are out and about, there’s also the FRESH sample box for men or our FRESH travel set for men.

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